  "In the resonating of the harp, there are three elements;
The art, the hand and the string.
In man :the body, the soul and the shadow"
The Golden Legend.

Theatre: a career

She started her career as an actress, she performed with Jacques Lasalle, Ariane Mnouchkine and Pierre Debauche. In parallel, she stayed several times in Latin America for her PhD in theatrical studies (supervised by Bernard Dort – Institut d'Etudes Théâtrales, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle). Later on, reviews in France, Colombia and the U.S. published a series of articles written by her on the subject.

As she got more and more interested in stage directing and writing, she co-founded the theatre company T.A.T. For several years, in the course of various activities, she conducted theatre workshops for young people and adults, and she began her stage director career by adapting short stories – by Jack London, Albert Camus... Since then she has directed plays by Pinter, Racine, Sophocles and by contemporary Portuguese authors – mainly poets – under the form of Récitals de Textes – a genre of her creation in which words, music and songs respond to each other. She cannot conceive a show without the perspective of an original music, and she regularly works with composers Dominique Probst and Ramon de Herrera. In the course of her stage directing years, she did a particular work on language, its structure, its phrasing, its breathing, how to master and convey it, all of which led her to direct theatre workshops for professional actors, and training courses for teachers, foreign students in France and abroad since 1993. Recently for students of the Department of French, University of California, Berkeley, in 2018.





She carried on navigating between classical playwrights and contemporary writers, between words and music, training and coaching. Over the last few years she dedicates herself mainly to writing. Her novel ELLE ou le regard des autres (SHE or the gaze of others) was recently published in December 2020 by Editions Maïa under the name Anne V.Petit

extraits ELLE ou le regard des autres